Media Recommendations

8 Podcasts I Recommend for Summer 2024

Delaney Ruston, MD
July 2, 2024

Summer is here, and you may be going on a car trip, so having a list of interesting podcasts to listen to as a family can be helpful. All of these are excellent to listen to as an adult, whether you want to discuss the topic with youth in your life or not. 

Other times to listen with children could be while sitting outside under a tree or lying around in the living room after an active summer day.  

I thoroughly enjoyed all of these podcast episodes and am delighted to share them with you today! 

The first five are appropriate for kids or teens, and rest below that are ones more appropriate for older teens.

Here are my 8 podcast recommendations for Summer 2024

Show: Planet Money

Episode: The birth of the modern consumer movement (May 3, 2024)

Listening to this podcast with kids is crucial for many reasons. One of the most important is the ongoing effort to combat disinformation, hate, and lies online. Unfortunately, those working in this field have become targets of extreme groups. This is deeply troubling because trust, safety, and content moderation are crucial, yet these groups are outraged, feeling their posts have been unfairly "censored." They resort to ruthless tactics, including threatening lives. It's heartbreaking that several universities have shut down their research and work in this vital area due to these threats. I highly recommend reading this article if you're interested in this topic.

Short Synopsis: The birth of the modern consumer movement tells the story of Ralph Nader, who worked hard to make cars safer but was then vilified by some car makers and politicians. Consider listening to this with your child and then discuss how it relates to the attacks on people working for trust and safety on the internet. 

Show: Freakonomics

Episode: Are you caught in a social media trap? (March 7, 2024)

This episode is rich in fascinating research. In fact, I wrote a blog inspired by this episode. 

Short Synopsis: This episode explores research about how much students would need to be paid to stop using TikTok or Instagram for a month. But then, when told the whole university would stop either app for a month, the students say they would PAY money to have this happen! 

Show: Modern Love

Episode: How to be real with your kids — about apologies (March 27, 2024)

Short Synopsis: Penn Badgley is an actor. He is, most importantly, a father and stepfather who values being open and vulnerable with his kids. He reads an essay about a father learning to show his emotions to his sons after a tragic loss, reflecting on the importance of emotional honesty in parenting.

Show: The Economics of Everyday Things  

Episode: Storage units (April 21, 2024)

How often do we have conversations with our kids about all the stuff in our lives? This podcast episode can spark such a discussion. 

Short Synopsis: Americans love to buy new stuff and hate to get rid of old stuff, which is why storage companies make billions. It is literally a $45 billion business. 

Show: People I Mostly Admire

Episode: John Green’s Reluctance (Nov 11, 2022)

I'm a big fan of John Green. His books, like "The Fault in Our Stars," and his Crash Course videos on YouTube, which my kids and I adore, are simply amazing. He truly rocks!

Short Synopsis: John Green discusses challenges like writing under pressure and balancing money and happiness. He also shares personal stories, including the impact of his book “The Fault in Our Stars” and his latest work, “The Anthropocene Reviewed.”

Bonus Pick: The Screenagers Podcast

Recent Episodes: Jonathan Haidt Explains the Youth Mental Health Crisis (June 10, 2024)

Screen Time Parenting With Positive Discipline (May 13, 2024)

Acing Screen Time Conflicts with Lisa Damour (Apr 1, 2024)

I've been so pleased to see such a positive response to our podcast over recent months. Many more of you have become regular listeners and I, (along with a small team who helps me) have worked so hard to cover a range of important topics and bring interesting guests to appear on the show.

I'd love for you to try listening to any of the episodes if you haven't already. If you like our podcast then subscribing/following is a great way to show your appreciation and help us reach a wider audience in the podcast apps.

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To listen with older teens:

Show: The Moth Radio Hour 

Episode: Unexpected Community (Jan 23, 2024)

Short Synopsis: This episode contains stories about finding community in unexpected places, such as on the basketball court or by painting a mural. Please note that one of the stories discusses suicide.

Show: The Economics of Everyday Things  

Episode: Sex scenes (Jan 21, 2024)

There has been an explosion of sexual content in the media, including easily accessible free porn (ERG!). Sex is an uncomfortable topic, and I'm always working to help parents find ways to normalize language around body parts and sexuality. This podcast will be a valuable resource in that effort.

The episode makes an interesting point about the care given to stunt performers compared to those doing sex scenes. By all means, I recommend listening first alone and deciding if it would be appropriate for listening to with your teen. Remember, they have very likely seen more than you know. 

Short Synopsis:  Behind these steamy sequences, there are body doubles, pubic wigs, legal documents, and dedicated choreographers who make sure everyone is comfortable. Zachary Crockett fast-forwards straight to the good parts.

Show: The Economics of Everyday Things  

Episode: Movie Sound Effects (April 14, 2024)

When I teach people about filmmaking, I often ask, what is more important to perfect, the picture or the sound? Sound, of course. We forgive poor image quality much more than we do poor sound quality. Meanwhile, the layers of sound that go into well-crafted movies are really amazing. 

I like that this episode can spark discussions about heavy shows like horror movies and Breaking Bad. In fact, it starts out with a clip from that show. Many teens are drawn to scary and violent shows, and whenever we can give them ways to pull back from the intensity and ways to look critically at it all, the better. 

Short Synopsis: The background noises you hear in film and TV — from footsteps to zombie guts — are produced in specialized studios by professionals known as Foley artists. Zachary Crockett makes some noise.

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Media Recommendations

8 Podcasts I Recommend for Summer 2024

Delaney Ruston, MD
July 2, 2024

Summer is here, and you may be going on a car trip, so having a list of interesting podcasts to listen to as a family can be helpful. All of these are excellent to listen to as an adult, whether you want to discuss the topic with youth in your life or not. 

Other times to listen with children could be while sitting outside under a tree or lying around in the living room after an active summer day.  

I thoroughly enjoyed all of these podcast episodes and am delighted to share them with you today! 

The first five are appropriate for kids or teens, and rest below that are ones more appropriate for older teens.

Here are my 8 podcast recommendations for Summer 2024

Show: Planet Money

Episode: The birth of the modern consumer movement (May 3, 2024)

Listening to this podcast with kids is crucial for many reasons. One of the most important is the ongoing effort to combat disinformation, hate, and lies online. Unfortunately, those working in this field have become targets of extreme groups. This is deeply troubling because trust, safety, and content moderation are crucial, yet these groups are outraged, feeling their posts have been unfairly "censored." They resort to ruthless tactics, including threatening lives. It's heartbreaking that several universities have shut down their research and work in this vital area due to these threats. I highly recommend reading this article if you're interested in this topic.

Short Synopsis: The birth of the modern consumer movement tells the story of Ralph Nader, who worked hard to make cars safer but was then vilified by some car makers and politicians. Consider listening to this with your child and then discuss how it relates to the attacks on people working for trust and safety on the internet. 

Show: Freakonomics

Episode: Are you caught in a social media trap? (March 7, 2024)

This episode is rich in fascinating research. In fact, I wrote a blog inspired by this episode. 

Short Synopsis: This episode explores research about how much students would need to be paid to stop using TikTok or Instagram for a month. But then, when told the whole university would stop either app for a month, the students say they would PAY money to have this happen! 

Show: Modern Love

Episode: How to be real with your kids — about apologies (March 27, 2024)

Short Synopsis: Penn Badgley is an actor. He is, most importantly, a father and stepfather who values being open and vulnerable with his kids. He reads an essay about a father learning to show his emotions to his sons after a tragic loss, reflecting on the importance of emotional honesty in parenting.

Show: The Economics of Everyday Things  

Episode: Storage units (April 21, 2024)

How often do we have conversations with our kids about all the stuff in our lives? This podcast episode can spark such a discussion. 

Short Synopsis: Americans love to buy new stuff and hate to get rid of old stuff, which is why storage companies make billions. It is literally a $45 billion business. 

Show: People I Mostly Admire

Episode: John Green’s Reluctance (Nov 11, 2022)

I'm a big fan of John Green. His books, like "The Fault in Our Stars," and his Crash Course videos on YouTube, which my kids and I adore, are simply amazing. He truly rocks!

Short Synopsis: John Green discusses challenges like writing under pressure and balancing money and happiness. He also shares personal stories, including the impact of his book “The Fault in Our Stars” and his latest work, “The Anthropocene Reviewed.”

Bonus Pick: The Screenagers Podcast

Recent Episodes: Jonathan Haidt Explains the Youth Mental Health Crisis (June 10, 2024)

Screen Time Parenting With Positive Discipline (May 13, 2024)

Acing Screen Time Conflicts with Lisa Damour (Apr 1, 2024)

I've been so pleased to see such a positive response to our podcast over recent months. Many more of you have become regular listeners and I, (along with a small team who helps me) have worked so hard to cover a range of important topics and bring interesting guests to appear on the show.

I'd love for you to try listening to any of the episodes if you haven't already. If you like our podcast then subscribing/following is a great way to show your appreciation and help us reach a wider audience in the podcast apps.

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