Part of what we do as parents that is so special and important is that we bring up conversation topics with our kids that may not have been discussed elsewhere. I have just such a topic that I want to offer — a topic that pertains to Thanksgiving, and it has to do with the challenges of giving thanks. I am talking about meaningful thanks.
I find that people rarely talk about how nervous and self-conscious we humans can feel when we thank someone for something they did or said. Even just contemplating expressing our thanks can make us feel anywhere from a little uncomfortable to super vulnerable. And yet, so often, these uncomfortable expressions of gratitude are the truly meaningful ones.
There are plenty of times we all say thank you, and it comes without any emotional hurdle like saying thank you to the cashier as we smile through our mask and push our cart away. Or thank you to someone who steps aside to maintain a COVID-safe distance, and so on.
But I am talking about the thank-yous that make us feel a bit vulnerable. For instance, telling a teacher (in person or via a letter) why you so appreciated being in their class and that you liked that thing they did when they shared a story about their days in school, or how they listened to you that time you came in having problems with a friend.
When we give specific examples to people of why we appreciate them or what they did that we are grateful for, we can be self-conscious. And yet, the real gold may lie precisely in those times we find we want to give thanks but hold back. The times we are aware of a little unease most likely means the thank you will be really meaningful.
I believe we all want to live life in fuller alignment with our values, but our emotions often get in the way. And I believe our kids would all say they want to be thought of as an appreciative person. I believe our kids would also say they want to be thought of as someone who can give thanks to people. I would wager that all you adults would say the same for you.
And yet, this can be so hard. I am sure if you sit and talk as a family, you will come up with plenty of people you wanted to say thank you to but didn’t and never really stopped to think about the reasons why not. Emotions can yank us around so intensely that it has long shocked me that we don’t start teaching earlier in life more about emotions and the mind — hence, Screenagers NEXT CHAPTER, which explores ways youth can more skillfully recognize and handle the pull of emotions.
There are all sorts of conscious and subconscious ways to step into the discomfort of saying how appreciative we are about something. Here is an example I experienced recently:
I wanted to send someone a thank you card for being on my podcast because I so thoroughly enjoyed our conversations. I became aware of some thoughts that came up, such as, “Well wait, would a really ‘successful’ person do that — does a super famous podcaster, like Stephen Dubner from Freakonomics, send cards to say how much they appreciated XYZ?” Probably not.
Once I recognized those thoughts and emotional doubts, I was able to get my logical brain more on board and thought to myself, “I deeply value taking the time to give meaningful thank-yous, and I am not going to let the insecure parts of my ego drive this boat.” And that is how I got past the block and wrote the note.
Here is another example. I periodically send friends random cards to tell them the ways I appreciate them. I always spend energy to write specific examples of why they mean so much to me. Recently I was writing a card to a friend from my medical training, and one of the things I thought to thank her for was helping me sort out some new medical guidelines.
And you want to know something, even writing that card was a bit of an emotional hurdle because part of my mind was thinking, “Did I bother her by asking for her help? Should I have asked her first if I was bothering her? Ergg, am I just one big bother? I don’t want to think about any of this; maybe I should bag writing this card.”
Fortunately, I was able to shrug off those thoughts. I did a reality check and wrote the darn card, and felt so happy sending it.
Those little thoughts that pop into our minds that have an emotional overlay, i.e., “...maybe I am just one big bother,” are part of the reasons we hold back from telling people why we appreciate them. And yet, when we do get past the little emotional roadblocks, we give them such AN AMAZING GIFT.
When I was in Chicago filming at a school for Screenagers NEXT CHAPTER, one of the high school’s wonderful English teachers pulled out a stack of cards and told me they were from students expressing their appreciation of her. She said that she kept those cards nearby so she could read them periodically to help her smile on stressful days.
I think about how acts of gratitude can have such big ripple effects. There is a long line of research showing that job burnout is correlated with not feeling like one’s work has meaningful impact. When people get ongoing reminders that their work is positively impacting others, this can make the difference between staying in a career or abandoning it.
Questions to get the discussion started:
**If you are a part of a larger organization, school, church, synagogue, mosque, girl scout or boy scout group, etc., feel free to pass along this announcement to your people.
Click here if you are interested in hosting an ONLINE screening for your community.
Click here if you want to attend an ONLINE screening.
Click here for information about Dr. Ruston’s new book, Parenting in the Screen Age
Subscribe to Dr. Ruston’s Screenagers Podcast.
As well as our weekly blog, we publish videos like this one every week on the Screenagers YouTube channel
Part of what we do as parents that is so special and important is that we bring up conversation topics with our kids that may not have been discussed elsewhere. I have just such a topic that I want to offer — a topic that pertains to Thanksgiving, and it has to do with the challenges of giving thanks. I am talking about meaningful thanks.
I find that people rarely talk about how nervous and self-conscious we humans can feel when we thank someone for something they did or said. Even just contemplating expressing our thanks can make us feel anywhere from a little uncomfortable to super vulnerable. And yet, so often, these uncomfortable expressions of gratitude are the truly meaningful ones.
There are plenty of times we all say thank you, and it comes without any emotional hurdle like saying thank you to the cashier as we smile through our mask and push our cart away. Or thank you to someone who steps aside to maintain a COVID-safe distance, and so on.
But I am talking about the thank-yous that make us feel a bit vulnerable. For instance, telling a teacher (in person or via a letter) why you so appreciated being in their class and that you liked that thing they did when they shared a story about their days in school, or how they listened to you that time you came in having problems with a friend.
When we give specific examples to people of why we appreciate them or what they did that we are grateful for, we can be self-conscious. And yet, the real gold may lie precisely in those times we find we want to give thanks but hold back. The times we are aware of a little unease most likely means the thank you will be really meaningful.
I believe we all want to live life in fuller alignment with our values, but our emotions often get in the way. And I believe our kids would all say they want to be thought of as an appreciative person. I believe our kids would also say they want to be thought of as someone who can give thanks to people. I would wager that all you adults would say the same for you.
And yet, this can be so hard. I am sure if you sit and talk as a family, you will come up with plenty of people you wanted to say thank you to but didn’t and never really stopped to think about the reasons why not. Emotions can yank us around so intensely that it has long shocked me that we don’t start teaching earlier in life more about emotions and the mind — hence, Screenagers NEXT CHAPTER, which explores ways youth can more skillfully recognize and handle the pull of emotions.
There are all sorts of conscious and subconscious ways to step into the discomfort of saying how appreciative we are about something. Here is an example I experienced recently:
I wanted to send someone a thank you card for being on my podcast because I so thoroughly enjoyed our conversations. I became aware of some thoughts that came up, such as, “Well wait, would a really ‘successful’ person do that — does a super famous podcaster, like Stephen Dubner from Freakonomics, send cards to say how much they appreciated XYZ?” Probably not.
Once I recognized those thoughts and emotional doubts, I was able to get my logical brain more on board and thought to myself, “I deeply value taking the time to give meaningful thank-yous, and I am not going to let the insecure parts of my ego drive this boat.” And that is how I got past the block and wrote the note.
Here is another example. I periodically send friends random cards to tell them the ways I appreciate them. I always spend energy to write specific examples of why they mean so much to me. Recently I was writing a card to a friend from my medical training, and one of the things I thought to thank her for was helping me sort out some new medical guidelines.
And you want to know something, even writing that card was a bit of an emotional hurdle because part of my mind was thinking, “Did I bother her by asking for her help? Should I have asked her first if I was bothering her? Ergg, am I just one big bother? I don’t want to think about any of this; maybe I should bag writing this card.”
Fortunately, I was able to shrug off those thoughts. I did a reality check and wrote the darn card, and felt so happy sending it.
Those little thoughts that pop into our minds that have an emotional overlay, i.e., “...maybe I am just one big bother,” are part of the reasons we hold back from telling people why we appreciate them. And yet, when we do get past the little emotional roadblocks, we give them such AN AMAZING GIFT.
When I was in Chicago filming at a school for Screenagers NEXT CHAPTER, one of the high school’s wonderful English teachers pulled out a stack of cards and told me they were from students expressing their appreciation of her. She said that she kept those cards nearby so she could read them periodically to help her smile on stressful days.
I think about how acts of gratitude can have such big ripple effects. There is a long line of research showing that job burnout is correlated with not feeling like one’s work has meaningful impact. When people get ongoing reminders that their work is positively impacting others, this can make the difference between staying in a career or abandoning it.
Questions to get the discussion started:
**If you are a part of a larger organization, school, church, synagogue, mosque, girl scout or boy scout group, etc., feel free to pass along this announcement to your people.
Click here if you are interested in hosting an ONLINE screening for your community.
Click here if you want to attend an ONLINE screening.
Click here for information about Dr. Ruston’s new book, Parenting in the Screen Age
Subscribe to Dr. Ruston’s Screenagers Podcast.
As well as our weekly blog, we publish videos like this one every week on the Screenagers YouTube channel
Have you nagged at your kids to get off a screen? I sure have. In fact, who hasn’t? In today’s blog, I share an excerpt from The Screenagers Podcast that will surprise your kids when you share it with them. It is a beautifully done study looking at MRI brain scans of teens when they hear their actual moms nagging at them. Why share this with your child? Because you are saying that you see how YOU (and all of us adults) sometimes use ineffective communication approaches.
READ MORE >In today's TTT, I have an excerpt from a new Screenagers Podcast episode where author Peggy Ornstein discusses the trend among teens of choking during sexual encounters, also known as sexual strangulation. Today's youth are exposed to highly sexualized material that previous generations never encountered. From online pornography to intense sex scenes in movies and shows like “50 Shades of Grey,” “Euphoria,” and "The Idol" as well as explicit content pushed to them on social media. This exposure has repercussions.
READ MORE >In the latest episode of The Screenagers Podcast, New York Times best-selling author and adolescent psychologist Lisa Damour, Ph.D., discusses how to have healthier conflicts with our kids. For this blog, I share some of the highlights of the podcast. These are just the tip of the iceberg because, in the episode, you will hear fascinating science, issues around phones and school, Lisa’s parenting rules, and many more tips on having productive and calmer conflicts around social media, video games, and more.